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Previously on Neighbours…

29 Apr

Missed Neighbours over the past few weeks? Then you missed dodgy kitchen tile dealing, recycled emotional motor bike riding angst, stand-in lawyering of the Councillor Kapoor variety, toe-curlingly embarrassing oh-for-the-love-of-God-stop “Free As A River” funeral duetting, spaghetti bolognese farce, fake fun run injuries, and a singing Sophie and her damned guitar strumming. You also missed…

Jade Mitchell

Sperm promoting relaxation techniques, the besting of a dastardly doctor and aimless frolicking

The spermalogically challenged Toadie sneakily took on extra work at the firm of big shot city lawyers after finding it more relaxing than spending time with Sonya and Callum in their newly renovated home, much to the secret dismay of his green-fingered beloved. Dr Smarmy’s attempts to use his evil superpowers of psychology and good looks to lure Jade into his bed backfired when the personal trainer twigged his cunning plan and belted him in the stomach. And Kate continued to do pretty much bugger all other than gaze at Kyle in secret adoration whilst frolicking about in her new outfits. What was that? Does she still intend to steal him away from Jade? Who knows.

Karl Kennedy

Musical mutiny, earache and jealous dumping

Andrew Robinson reluctantly agreed to Red Cotton’s demand for more money after they threatened to pull out of the gig their skint oddly Aussie/Scottish accented manager had arranged for them at Charlie’s. Summer Annoyland demanded to know why Andrew hadn’t shared his latest business woes with her and upon discovering he wanted to keep their working and private lives separate demanded to know what they’d talk about in the evenings. And head surgeon Alice the Goon dumped Karl after learning (a) his estranged wife had spent the day helping the distraught doctor deal with the death of a close friend he hadn’t seen or spoken to in years and (b) Susan would always play a significant role in Dr K’s life especially now they’d spilt and the scriptwriters were creating endless opportunities for the pair to have will-they-won’t-they-get-it-on-again-moments.

Michael Williams (Neighbours)

And finally…

Tash finally discovered the shockingly sordid truth about the day her Serbian beauty queen mother Helena drowned all those years ago. Hmm? No really, she did! Keen to rid herself of feelings of guilt the rather attractive Serbian beautician/hairdresser/model for arty naked photos/white witch Emilia decided to engage in wickeny rituals of the burning-confessional-“It’s my fault Helena died”-notes-on-the-barbecue kind. But alas, cruel fate intervened when, unbeknown to Emilia, a sneaky breeze whisked one such note away only to be discovered by Tash (what were the odds?). Demanding to know what the note meant Michael finally confessed all.

Natasha Williams (Neighbours)

Well shocking revelations naturally led to tearful “you both make me sick” shoutings, some distraught driving, daughterly revenge of the setting-light-to-the-Sandman kind (briefly mistaken for wronged mechanicerly revenge of the setting-light-to-the-Sandman kind but ultimately explained away to the police as stupidity of the accidental-setting-light-to-the-Sandman-after-teacher/beautician-romantic-candle-lit-wooing kind), movings out, fatherly pleadings for forgiveness and icy “I have no father” rejections. “Gosh.” Quite. Anyway, Emilia decided to flee to Serbia convinced her presence was making things worse and Michael, having packed all his worldly belongings into just the one bag, decided to join her in order to give his daughter the time and space she needs to forgive him / enjoy guilt free naked adult relations with his beloved and spare himself any future Tashtrums (delete as appropriate).

The one where everyone finds out

22 Jan

View of Pin Oak Court, (also known as Ramsay S...

There were failed Jedi mind tricks, revelations, stroppy teens, sofa farce and flashbacks aplenty in Neighbours last week.

A good Jedi make Kate would not

Kate the former dancer/trainee teacher/assistant in Harold’s Store turned to the Force in a desperate bid to be rid of her besotted floppy hatted guitar strumming admirer and told a trembly lipped Noah that she’d never kissed him, he’d imagined the whole thing, and that he was, quite frankly, a bit daft in the head. But alas, believe this not would he. Determined that Kate should admit to himself and to the World that she had indeed kissed him, Noah revealed all to Priya (wife of Councillor Kapoor and stand-in headteacher at Erinsborough High while the surfer-dude Michael Williams recuperates from his drowned-Serbian-beauty-queen-wife-secret-induced perforated stomach ulcer) during the grand unveiling of the already unveiled History Wall.

Kate Ramsay

Well, one thing led to another which led to gasps, denials, suspensions, guilt, retractions, reprieves, how-could-you-have-made-up-such-lies-about-my-sister-you-freak-type shouting, accidental oddly-Scottish/Aussie-accented blurtings, tearful how-could-you-have-kissed-the-only-floppy-hatted-guitar-strumming-boy-I’ve-ever-loved-type shouting, a bit of overacted angry running and the dobbing in of an older sister. Kate finally admitted she’d committed the terrible deed (though has yet to reveal that it was one of those odd grief induced kisses brought about by the death of the only handsome-in-an-obvious-sort-of-way detective with OCD she’d ever loved, Mark Brennan) and was once again suspended from her trainee teacher-type duties while she awaits an official enquiry into the whole sorry saga. Meanwhile her broken hearted unforgiving stroppy younger sister Sophie moved out and is now living with the unsettlingly nice of late evil one legged uncle, Paul Robinson. If he’s got any sense he’ll make her leave her sodding electric bass at her sister’s.

Summer Hoyland

Yet more confessions

The oddly Scottish/Aussie accented Andrew Robinson confessed to his do-gooding, zombie loving girlfriend Summer that her “tame-lepse” film of wet paint drying had included footage of the aforementioned kiss and that he’d deliberately deleted the whole thing in an attempt to save his cousin’s career. Oddly enough Summer took the news rather well. Racked with guilt of the being-caught-cheating-during-an-English-exam-by-your-invalided-head-teacher-who-doesn’t-remember-you-cheating-and-having-the-opportunity-to-resit-the-exam-again kind, Summer confessed all to Chris Pappas and Andrew and is now pondering whether she should (a) get over the feelings of guilt, say nothing to the powers that be and resit the exam or (b) confess all which could end her lifelong dreams of doing some journalist uni course next year.

Susan as she appeared in her first episode in 1994

And finally…

Susan Kennedy, intrepid reporter for the Erinsborough News, began to suspect Karl of having naked adult shenanigans with Jade the personal trainer (don’t ask) which led to flashbacks of the 1998-and-2004-cheating-git-of-a-husband kind and some jealous-wife-type behaviour. What was that? Did Susan finally admit she’d been completely irrational of late, was terribly sorry, she loved him and could they give their marriage another go? Err, no. Just as the completely innocent Dr K dared to hope that such jealousy proved that his wife still loved him in a ransacking-of-the-blue-box kind of way, Susan figured out that their son Malcolm was the one having naked adult shenanigans with the personal trainer (long story with yet another flashback), that Karl had known of their randy son’s exploits for some time and concluded that as a former no-good two-timing excuse of a husband Karl was therefore equally to blame. Harsh.